Greensmix and Bunker sand development and recommendations
When you decide on a greens - mix material material we can help and recommend organic material and what % humus and sand that can be used. Every place and project is a little bit different in regards to resources, climate, water quality, design and expectations. We use and work with Brookside Laboratories and with their help get the analysis so we can recommend different materials, depths, drainage pipes, grasses for: Push up greens, California Greens, Native greens, USGA greens... . The bunker sand is usually determined by the color the architect/member/owner prefer and we help figure out depth of profile and if the sand is suitable for bunker play and climate. We also of course test crusting angularity, calcium carbonate %,angle of repose and for "fried egg lie" with penetrometer. We have been involved in projects all over the world and currently work on several construction projects in Europe and USA.